The Giving Quilt
Posted on: October 30, 2023
by: Candace Walker, Director of Children's Ministry
by: Candace Walker, Director of Children's Ministry
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
Immersed in the powerful words from Paul to the Ephesians and leading up to Dedication Sunday, the children of First Presbyterian have learned what it is to be loved by God before the creation of the world and what it means to be his craftsmanship. In children’s church, little ones have viewed and discussed works of art including Da Vinci’s Last Supper and Monet’s Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge, learning that they, even more so, are priceless masterpieces. While singing songs, the children enjoyed a game of freeze where they struck a pose and said, “I am God’s masterpiece!” As God’s beautifully created workmanship, they learned that they can steward the grace given to them by serving others with their unique gifts out of love for Jesus.
And so the idea of the giving quilt was born.
“Children need to hold something tangible,” says Cate Heroman, lifelong educator and frequent collaborator who volunteers in ministries at First Presbyterian.“When children give something that they have created and have held in their hands, it impacts them.”

Culminating November 12, the giving quilt showcasing the spiritual gifts and handiwork of the children will be incorporated into a combined Kingdom Kids Sunday School class with Cate Heroman as the guest storyteller. The quilt is the children’s contribution to the church and ultimately to Bethany Centre in Uganda, an orphanage and school that First Presbyterian children learned about in August during the Global Missions Conference.
Your turn. Freeze . . . strike a pose and say, “I am God’s masterpiece!” Celebrate giving out of the grace we have been given.
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Thoughts from the Staff and Leaders