Christmas Begins with Christ
Posted on: November 28, 2017
by: Audra Cato, Director, Childhood Family Ministry
by: Audra Cato, Director, Childhood Family Ministry
The Christmas season can be an overwhelming time for many. However, it doesn’t have to be when you begin the season with Christ. The Christmas season is actually a time of waiting. Waiting for the birth of Christ.
With the new craze of hiding and finding elves, I have stumbled upon a fun, new Advent tradition you can start with your family. It is called The
Christmas Star from Afar. This new tradition teaches children the true meaning of Christmas. Similar to The Elf on the Shelf, you hide the star each night until the wise men make their way to their newborn king Christ Jesus. You can find the boxed set on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or by visiting I will read The Christmas Star from Afar to our younger Sunday school classes beginning November 26.