Ways of Worship: Classic Reformed
Posted on: February 27, 2018
by: Gerrit Dawson, Senior Pastor
by: Gerrit Dawson, Senior Pastor
I encourage all of our members to become multilingual in worship: to try each of our three services during the course of a year.
Classic Reformed worship draws upon the rich heritage of our Presbyterian faith as we sing the most vibrant hymns of our tradition, augmented by some of the newer worship songs written in a traditional style. Strings and horns create lush texturing to the majesty of the organ music, and our choir presents weekly anthems which adorn the week’s Scripture passage. Classic Reformed follows the traditional pattern of gathering around the Word, hearing the Word and responding to the Word. This includes twice monthly communion. This service increasingly appeals to a younger generation longing for the depth of an ancient tradition.
The 11 am service fulfills Psalm 145:
One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
and shall declare your mighty acts.
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Thoughts from the Staff and Leaders