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First Thoughts Blog

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Would You Dance at This Wedding?

This Advent our theme is the wedding feast of the Lamb. Every Christmas we celebrate the first advent of our savior. That’s when Jesus wedded himself to human flesh and came to us as a baby.  We also look forward to the second advent of Jesus. He will return again to this world. And he’s coming back for a wedding. Our wedding! The marriage of the Church to the Lamb of God. The celebration that Christ our bridegroom will come to wed his beloved bride, all those who have been united to him in faith. 
It’s no accident that Revelation wraps up with a wedding celebration. New life comes from marriage, in all the ways a committed love blesses the world. The return of our bridegroom Jesus will make all things new. He will set everything right, wiping away tears, destroying death, restoring relationships and renewing the whole creation.  That’s reason to rejoice. That’s reason to dance at this ultimate wedding reception.
So you won’t want to miss Dancing Day, our Christmas cantata on December 8 at 9 and 11 am. This service features original music by Chris Phillips, an orchestra, the full voices of our combined choir and worship team, and, of course, dancers! This is a great service to bring guests with you.
We love to keep Christmas with you. So once again we’ll host the Live Nativity in our Terraced Garden on Friday, December 6 at 5.30 and 6.30 pm. Animals, angel dance and a full cast of characters bring the beloved story to life. On Christmas Eve, we’ll have our usual three festive services at 11 am, 4 pm, and 6 pm.  I’ll preach on the theme, “It is Good That You Exist!” On December 29, we’ll have a cozy, casual single service at 10.30 am.  
Christmas Offering
Every year, in a very understated way, we make available a special offering to undergird two ministries beloved to our church. Every year, quietly, you shatter giving records and send the ministry leaders soaring into the new year with hope. 
The Christian Outreach Center, led by Brian Sleeth, helps thousands of people through the year with basic needs for food, clothing, shelter and electricity. But more, the COC offers effective programs in job readiness, financial literacy and even re-entry from prison to a contributing life. The Gardere Community Christian School, led by Lauren Darden, educates 160 students from pre-K to fifth grade. This multi-ethnic Christian school consistently sees dramatic improvement in students’ test scores, outpacing both public and charter schools in its area. Most importantly, Gardere effectively forms these little ones in the love and story of Jesus. Both ministries light many flames of hope, and it’s a joy to support them.