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Building Up

Taking Missions to the Next Level


The FPC Vision for Mission

First Presbyterian Church’s passion is to press deeper into Christ: to know him, love him and worship him.  

Christ then propels us further into the world: to bring the love and joy of his gospel to our city and around the world.
We engage city and global missions through partnerships with ministries “on the ground” in communities of need. 
We value long-term relationships with mission partners who themselves engage in long-term, relational ministry where they serve. 
Over the last six years, locally we have prioritized Gardere Community Christian School and planting Church of the Resurrection in New Orleans, investing more than half a million dollars each for operations.
In Global Mission, for more than a decade, we have partnered for orphan care and education with Bethany Centre in Uganda and for the rescue of sex trafficked women through Global Transformation Ministries in Medellin, Colombia. 
Each of these vibrant ministries has visionary, urgent needs to enhance their physical buildings. What if we could come alongside these trusted partners with funds for these capital projects? 

$1.5 Million for Mission Building Projects

These four mission partners seek to expand their reach in bringing the gospel to the lost and to the least. Our church can take the initiative in undergirding those works! Our commitment will help make vision become reality. Our leadership will inspire other donors. We will participate in advancing Christ’s work!
Imagine a $1.5 million capital campaign in which none of the funds are for ourselves. These gifts will be an act of worship! We will acknowledge the Lordship of Christ and the power of his gospel for transformation as we underwrite these building advances.
Such over and above giving to capital mission projects will deepen our connection to these partners, inspire more hands-on service, release energy in our congregation and stimulate overall giving to all the work our church is doing. We’ll love Christ more as we give more for his work. This mission campaign for others will be spiritual worship for us!


Gardere (GCCS) is overdue for a multi-purpose assembly building, a vital component of enhancing present education and a stepping stone to expanding the number of students. We’d like to make the lead gift in its upcoming capital campaign.


Church of the Resurrection in New Orleans averages more than 125 in weekly attendance. After half a decade, the church is ready to make the transition from church plant to established church. They seek to locate, purchase and renovate an unused sanctuary in the heart of the city. Our contribution would spur other churches in the presbytery and encourage the church that the down payment is covered.


Peter Kiwanuka attended our church in 2001 and 2002 as an LSU student. He returned to his native Uganda and began a school for orphans. Right now, Bethany educates through the 6th grade. Peter envisions providing shelter and school through the 12th grade, as well as housing for teachers. Our dollars stretch a long way in Uganda.



Global Transformation Ministries currently assists young women escaping from sex trafficking. Esther’s House provides temporary housing as these women are cared for and offered job training. Rev. Brian Miller envisions the next stage of care as a half-way home, safely providing the women with more independence until they are ready to launch back into the community. Our gift can underwrite almost the entire cost of such a cottage.


The Details

$1.5 million over and above regular contributions to the FPC operating budget. 

Commitment day is November 14, 2021 with a goal of completing payments by December 31, 2023.
(Two-year campaign with opportunity to give in three tax years).

For your convenience, the below pledge form allows you to make two different pledges:
1) A pledge toward the Building Up: Taking Missions to the Next Level campaign AND
2) Your estimate of giving for the 2022 church operating budget

Make a Pledge

Make a Payment to the Campaign


Building Up Campaign News

Thank you so much for your gifts and pledges to our Building Up campaign for missions. I wanted to update you on the progress of the ministries we support.

Medellin, Colombia
Thanks to so many early gifts, Brian Miller and Global Transformation Ministries were able to purchase a house in central Medellin! The $135,000 we sent made that possible! Now plans are underway for renovating the house and even adding an upper story. Women rescued from a life on the streets are now preparing for gainful employment while they live in a supportive community.
In March, Whitney and Darin visited and came back with glowing reports of the great work being done, and the great gratitude being expressed. We plan to send a mission team to Medellin this June. This is just the kind of mission synergy we hoped our campaign would create!
Gardere Community Christian School
Your commitment has been a great encouragement to school leadership. A building committee is deep into working with an architecture firm to create a long-term master plan for the campus.  This ensures that the Phase 1 multi-purpose building 
we’re supporting will fit into the larger plan. The school expects to finish the master plan soon, and then complete construction planning for the new building by summer’s end.
News of our gifts will inspire other community donors.
Gardere Community Christian School
Your commitment has been a great encouragement to school leadership. A building committee is deep into working with an architecture firm to create a long-term master plan for the campus.  This ensures that the Phase 1 multi-purpose building 
we’re supporting will fit into the larger plan. The school expects to finish the master plan soon, and then complete construction planning for the new building by summer’s end.
News of our gifts will inspire other community donors.
Church of the Resurrection, New Orleans
When I preached there in February, I reminded them of our financial commitment to their future building needs. Spontaneous applause erupted! The church is thriving. Knowing we stand with and 
behind them has given this young congregation confidence and energy. Their first group of elders have been elected and 
are being trained. Soon the church will become “particularized,” that is, no longer under the oversight of a presbytery committee, but its own church. Then, they can look for a permanent home in a strategic location. By that time, in 2023, our gifts will all be in and will make possible a significant down payment on a property. 
Because of your sacrificial and enthusiastic support, these mission partners know we will do what we promised. And that is generating optimism, encouragement, connection and deepening ministry.  These projects will also continue to energize missions in our own congregation.
So, dear ones, thank you! Keep it up, because so much good is coming from your gifts to Building Up!
With you in Christ,
Gerrit Dawson
Senior Pastor