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Prayer Ministry

Prayer Requests

Every week, Christ’s people at First Presbyterian Church join together to praise him and ask for his tender mercies on behalf of others. These are lifted up not only during worship services but also by our elders and staff throughout the week. If you have a praise or prayer request, please fill out a Prayer Card located in the pews or use the convenient form below. You may place it in the offering plate during worship services or in the Prayer Box located across from the Connection Center in our Sanctuary building. You may also email prayer requests to Laura Shaw and indicate whether or not you would like your request added to our weekly email received by dozens of prayer partners. 

Prayer Room

To the left of the elevator close to the Reception Room, we have a lovely prayer room staffed following the 9 am service with an elder ready to intercede on your behalf.
For more information contact Laura.

Prayer Partners

An intercessory prayer group meets at the church on Friday mornings from 6.30 to 7.30 am. Prayers and praises emailed to them will be faithfully lifted up to the Lord. In addition, this prayer list is sent out to other intercessors across the church on Friday. If you would like to be added to the list of recipients, or if you would like to join the Friday morning group (and get access to the church building) please contact Scott Graham or Robert Arnold (
From Prayer Walks to Prayer Retreats, we continue to plan events that will allow our people to become all that we were created to be in the realm of our communication with God. For more information, contact Laura or 225.387.0617.

Experiential Prayer

Contemplative prayer can be powerfully supplemented through the use of prayer stations that allow deeper reflection and draw on the use of the five senses and exercises using Scripture. Experiential prayer stations may be used as a part of our Advent and Lenten mid-week services, or in meaningful prayer time for other purposes.
Contact Scott Graham or Laura Shaw if you would like to learn more about the experiential prayer team.

Inner Healing Prayer

There are times past traumas or decisions affect us in ways that may not be fully addressed by psychological therapies or medicines. Inner Healing prayer provides an additional opportunity to bring the Triune God’s powerful and healing presence into memories or current difficulties that may provide significant freedom (John 10:10). Scott Graham and a trained partner provide this confidential ministry upon request.

Contemplative Prayer Group  

This quiet hour, September–May every other Monday morning, 10–11 am, features guided silent prayer based on the reading of Scripture as well as a brief reflection on the Sunday sermon. All are welcome to this refreshing, centering hour before the Lord and his Word. Contact Katie Forsthoff ( for more information.

Spiritual Conferencing

In addition to community group opportunities, spiritual conferencing provides groups of two or three individuals the ability to have deeper conversations on spiritual matters that can deepen our lives with the Lord and with others. Contact Scott Graham for questions you may find helpful in spiritual conferencing, or to express an interest in being a part of a conferencing pair or group.