FPC Women's Ministry Vision
The mission of First Presbyterian Church Women’s Ministry is to nurture women as they grow deeper in Christ and further into the world through studying God’s Word, partnering in prayer, cultivating meaningful relationships and gathering in intentional life-on-life fellowship. Our prayer is that every woman feels poured into, supported and has a place and a purpose in our church body as we encourage each other as ambassadors of the gospel.
The ABCs of Women's Ministry . . .
Advisory Council
The Women's Ministry Advisory Council comes alongside the Director of Women’s Ministry helping serve our collective and individual needs. The 2024-25 council members are: Bonnie Adams, Mitzi Barber (Deacon), Sharon Dixon, Lauren Fowler, Kristina Graham, Martha Juban (Elder), Melissa Miley, Virginia Phillips, Katie Schellack and Suzie Thompson (Elder).
Jaime Carnaggio
Bible Study
Bible study helps you deepen your relationship in Christ through expository study of God’s Word. Bible studies meet weekly in the fall and spring semesters and for a special summer study during the month of July.
1 & 2 Timothy: Fight the Good Fight
Women’s Ministry begins its next Bible study the week of January 6 on 1 & 2 Timothy. In these letters to his young friend and protégé Timothy, the apostle Paul reminds believers of the commitment to, and behavior towards, the Church, the “pillar and foundation of the truth.” In a world marked by false teaching, moral decline and spiritual compromise, we are called to guard the gospel of Jesus Christ and live it out in practical and visible ways. Join us at one of our three weekly offerings (Tuesdays at 7.15 am, Wednesdays at 6 pm, or Thursdays at 9.30 am). May we feel a renewed sense of responsibility and confidence to fight the good fight of faith.
Tuesdays @ 7.15 am in the FPC Library
This study is designed for ladies in their 20s/30s.
Childcare is offered each week downstairs in the MDO Ducks classroom.
Please email Jaime if you will be utilitzing childcare.
Link to All Women's Ministry Recorded Lessons
Circles provide meaningful fellowship through a cohesive Scripture-based book study and time of prayer. Circles meet monthly from September through May. Contact Jaime Carnaggio to become part of a Circle (jaime@fpcbr.org).
2024-2025 Circle Study
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King exists to build meaningful community for single adult women through discipleship, fellowship and prayer. We desire to provide a supportive and intentional space to share experiences, fears, burdens and hopes to foster a renewed awareness of our union in Christ.
Email Jaime Carnaggio for more information (jaime@fpcbr.org).
Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told (Habakkuk 1:5).
Events allow us to gather for devotion, food and fellowship. We have four intergenerational events annually (one each season), as well as casual monthly socials targeting a specific decade. If you are interested in hosting one of our socials or helping with any Women’s Ministry events, please email Emily Viguerie (emily@fpcbr.org).
Fellowship opportunities allow you to connect with other women in Christ-centered conversation, support, encouragement, and prayer. If you would like to meet for coffee or lunch with me or another sister-in-Christ, please contact Jaime Carnaggio (jaime@fpcbr.org).
Good Deposit
The Good Deposit equips women in expository study and teaching of the Bible, in such a way that we experience the Scripture’s intended meaning. “By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you” (2 Timothy 1:14). If you are interested in learning more about the Good Deposit, please contact Mitzi Barber.