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Flowers, Music and Photography

Floral Decorations

A beautiful worship center requires little decoration. The Dunham Chapel and Sanctuary do not lend themselves to elaborate floral displays. In keeping with this conviction, the church has carefully developed this policy to guide the family and the florist in making plans for a wedding at First Presbyterian Church. We earnestly request the cooperation of the family and the florist in making their plans. Additional detailed regulations are provided below to aid you and your florist:
The church will provide the kneeling bench for prayer during your ceremony.
No tacks, tape, pins, nails or glue shall be used to fasten any decoration to the furniture of the building.
Pew ribbons with small fern and/or flower décor may be attached to the pew ends. To protect our furnishing, we request that only wrapped wire, ribbon or pew clips be used to attach your decorations.
All candles used in your ceremony must be dripless. If you wish to incorporate the Unity Candle, it must be supplied by your florist. A clear plastic sheet must be placed under the stand to protect the carpet.
The florist is expected to remove all decorations and equipment promptly following the ceremony.
Flower arrangements may be left after the wedding for the following Sunday’s worship if you make your wishes known well in advance. Please advise the church at 225.387.0617 if you would like to make this donation.
The florist will be held responsible for any damage incurred to the building, furniture or carpeting.
The church properties must be left in the condition in which they were found.
During the Advent and Christmas season, the Sanctuary and Chapel are decorated with greenery and poinsettias. Under no circumstances will any of these decorations be moved to facilitate a wedding. If you plan to book your wedding during the Christmas season, please incorporate your floral designs with the existing décor.
The dropping of real flower petals down the aisle prior to the bride’s entrance is not allowed.
We do not allow aisle cloths to be used in the Chapel or Sanctuary.


The music of the wedding service is never an end in itself. Rather, it is a means to glorify God and celebrate humankind. Music of a classical or religious nature is appropriate for the celebration of a wedding service in the Sanctuary or Chapel. Popular tunes or music from shows would be acceptable for rehearsal dinners or receptions, but are not in good taste for the religious ceremony. All music selections, whether vocal or instrumental, must be approved in consultation with our organist. If requested, our music staff vocal soloists are available. 
A guest soloist is welcome, but is expected to know the music in advance of the rehearsal with the organist. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, it is wise to confer with the organist before selecting a solo or soloist. Permission to incorporate the use of instruments other than the church organ may be granted with the approval of the organist and wedding coordinator. No pre-recorded music will be allowed in the wedding ceremony.

Your Wedding Pictures and Video

We recognize the value of wedding photography and video as a lasting remembrance of your wedding. You can expect our cooperation in working with those you’ve hired. Please make note of the following policies:
The photographer may arrive two hours before the ceremony to begin taking photos.
Once the ceremony begins, all photography must be taken from the Narthex or balcony. 
All pictures taken in the Sanctuary or Chapel must be complete 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony.
The Bridal party may reassemble in the Sanctuary or Chapel for pictures and filming after the wedding and the pastor will be available if requested.
To avoid disruption to the ceremony, the photographer is cautioned to avoid any unnecessary equipment noises.
Please avoid standing on furniture or pews. Damage will be the responsibility of the photographer.
Photography during the ceremony must be restricted to a stationary camera.