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Scott Graham

Scott Graham

Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Prayer

Scott has been in pastoral work since 1992 serving congregations in the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh areas before coming to Baton Rouge. He and his wife Kristina met in music school at Northwestern University, and have three grown children (two more by marriage) as well as a lovely granddaughter. The kids currently live in Washington state, Maine and Washington DC, and were supportive of mom and dad picking the southern portion of the country! Scott and Kristina are also happy owners of a pandemic pup named Schubert. Scott did his M.Div. at Fuller Theological Seminary and received a fellowship for an additional year of study at Blackfriars, Oxford in the area of spiritual formation. His doctorate program at Gordon-Conwell is in pastoral theology with a thesis project on helping others discover their primary way of meeting God and encountering the Lord’s majestic beauty there.

Scott enjoys rooting for underdogs, playing some tennis and whitewater rafting, hiking, reading, many kinds of music and travel. Eating and coffee are also favorites.

Teaching on the mission field has been a particular joy in both Albania and Sierra Leone. Work with unreached tribes for the gospel through education since 2012 in Sierra Leone has provided fresh visions of the amazing ways Jesus Christ brings healing, hope and salvation. He is looking forward to the relationships to be formed with people of all ages here at FPCBR. 

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