Advent Giving Opportunities
Posted: 10/29/2024
There are a number of ways you can participate in Advent at First during the Christmas season. Below are just a few examples but more crop up each day.
All are invited to contact Sherry McKinley in the church office (387.0617 or by Wednesday, December 11 to purchase a poinsettia in memory or celebration of a loved one. Poinsettias will be placed in the Chapel and Sanctuary. $35 each. Those who purchase a plant are welcome to bring them home to enjoy after the 6 pm Christmas Eve service. Orders may be placed by using the online form below or by filling out a printed form at the Connection Center.
Items are being collected for Christmas bags to be distributed to the Malachi Dads (prisoners) at Angola Penitentiary. Please consider making a donation and dropping it off at the Connection Center: soap, antiperspirant, toothpaste/toothbrush, shampoo, lotion, body wash, white athletic socks or baby powder. Cash donations also accepted.
Angel Tree
Help us to bless the children of incarcerated parents this Christmas. Volunteers are needed to provide a Christmas present for children or to help with gift delivery. Visit Ryan Castle at the Connection Center or contact him at or 225.773.4769 for details.